- Cirstea Paul Valentin Rezerva
- Dalu Cosmin Gabriel Cornel Admis
- Duran Ionel Catalin Respins
- Ionescu Bogdan Mihai Respins
- Lungu Ioan Bogdan Admis
- Manea Iulia Bianca Admis
- Mitu Andreea Carmen Respins
- Neacsu Cosmin Danut Respins
- Popa Alexandru Mihail Admis
- Popescu Catalin Ionut Admis
- Stoicescu Andrei Florin Admis
- Selaru David Marus Admis
- Tudor Mihai Rezerva
- Turcu Inut Florin Bogdan Admis
Dezvoltarea dimensiunii europene a competentelor profesionale in domeniul electronica si automatizari. Proiect de formare profesionala derulat in cadrul programului Lifelong Learning - subprogramul sectorial Leonardo da Vinci.
vineri, 18 noiembrie 2011
Rezultatele concursului de selectie a participantilor
sâmbătă, 5 noiembrie 2011
Echipa de gestionare a proiectului
The target group in the mobility project "Developing the European dimension of professional competence in the field of electronics and automation" will be 8 students (IVT) from Technical College "Costin D. Nenitescu" Pitesti, technological field, Automation Technician and electromechanical technician, level 3 of qualification.
The training needs of the participants identified through a SWOT analysis wich consist mainly in the application of specialized technical knowledge in a work environment that fosters the practice. The training program provided in the project was designed to develop skills that participants need to fill a job, to assume the role in society as responsible persons, providing training throughout life. The training needs of the target group derives from the need to acquire full competence of the national curriculum divided into specialized modules, mainly oriented towards practical work and the changing structure of school partnerships with local or regional enterprise. The project represents an practical training alternative for participants in a modern training center in a multinational company, with modern teaching means and material basis in accordance with current European standards in the field.
The specific objectives responding to above identified training needs of the participants are divided into skills and competencies provided in the school curriculum, qualifications automation technician and electromechanical technician, according to the Order OMECI no. 4857 of 31.08.2009. The specific objectives of the project in terms of acquired skills by participants during the placement are:
1. identify the types of electronic circuits;
2. performance evaluation of electronic circuits;
3. connecting electronic circuits in equipment and facilities;
4. creating and maintaining professional relationships type.
The results obtained by participating in the project will be materialized through: improvement of professional skills, the development of practical skills in the field of electronic circuits, developing language skills, intercultural and social skills development through building capacity of teamwork and adapting to new situations. The participants will develop their ability to work independently, and will experience participatory active learning methods centered on student. The results will have an impact on personal development through increased self-confidence of participants Acquiring these skills is essential in preparing for a place to work, to adapt technologies and changing work practices.
The project is focused on the following national priorities:
- access to quality education in the FPI;
- share in the transition from school to active life.
The receiving partners are two prestigious institutions in Germany, a VET school included in a dual school system - Berufskolleg Uerdingen and a big company - Siemens in Krefeld, Germany. The training locations of the two institutions where the participants will carry out feature placement are at the highest international standards. The acquired and evaluated competencies at the end of the placement will be recognized and validated as the initial training period, according to the "Order MECI nr.4931din 29/07/2008, section 3.2.”, based on the following documents: the training program Agreement and Commitment to Quality in the Leonardo da Vinci program and Europass Mobility Certificate.
The placement will take place between 03.18 to 03.31.2012 in the town of Krefeld, Germany.
Concurs selectie participanti
În data de 15.11.2011, orele 14.00, va avea loc
Pot participa la concurs elevii care îndeplinesc cumulativ următoarele condiţii:
1. studiază în domeniul/ Profilul:
a. Tehnic , specializare Tehnician în Automatizări , clasa a XI- a E;
b. Tehnic , specializare Tehnician Electromecanic , clasele a XI- a F, a XI-a G;
c. Tehnic , specializare Tehnician Electromecanic , clasele a XII- a G R.P.
2. au cunoştinţe de limba engleză, nivel minim A1;
3. au depus la secretariatul şcolii un dosar de candiatură care conţine:
· copie xerox după cartea de identitate;
· scrisoare de intenţie;
· acordul scris (nelegalizat) al ambilor părinţi (susţinătorilor legali) pentru deplasarea în Germania în perioada menţionată;
4. au o stare de sănătate foarte bună;
1. test de cultură generală şi limba engleză;
2. interviu - se vor evalua capacitatea de comunicare în limba engleză şi profilul personalităţii candidatului : capacitatea de a lucra în echipă, toleranţa, rezistenţa la stress, etc.;
3. rezultate la învăţătură şi purtare în anul şcolar 2010/2011;
4. avizul consiliului profesoral al clasei.
01.11 – 14. 11.2011, între orele 11.00- 14,00.
Responsabil Formare Profesională: Prof. Neagoe Irina Irena, E-mail: irina.neagoe@yahoo.com